Eyes engaged, minds adrift

Living through screens has dulled our ability to observe. In the rush of scrolling and clicking, we forget the subtlety of shadows shifting on a wall or the rhythm of a bird’s call. We consume pre-packaged moments on social media while missing the artistry of our own environment. Our eyes are constantly engaged, but our minds are adrift—distracted from the texture of reality by the relentless glare of digital light.

Screens have also robbed us of patience. Life happens in slow increments—a plant’s unfurling leaf, a conversation’s natural pause, the quiet of dusk settling. But the digital world demands instant gratification, feeding our craving for speed while starving us of contemplation. We swipe through dozens of images, hunting for what we already have in front of us. If only we could slow down enough to see it. We sacrifice wonder for efficiency and lose the poetry of everyday life in the process.

Our relationships suffer too. Time spent together is often interrupted by the buzz of a phone or the lure of a notification. Instead of eye contact, we exchange glances with glowing screens. Connection happens when people are truly present, unfiltered by a digital lens. By constantly feeding our need for virtual engagement, we are slowly numbing our sense of human presence and touch. To break free, we must reclaim our lives one deliberate moment at a time—resisting the screen’s pull to rediscover the beauty of being fully and intentionally alive.

This reflection was inspired by a thoughtful list crafted by Prarthana Gandhi, a passionate advocate of intentional living.