Category: Essays

  • The Shallow Waters of Indian Contemporary Art

    The Indian art scene, once a vibrant kaleidoscope woven with history, mythology, and social commentary, seems to have fallen into a stagnant pool of mediocrity. A pervasive lack of conceptual depth and thematic exploration plagues much of contemporary Indian art. One culprit is the substandard art education system in India. Often focused on technical proficiency…

  • A Call to Action for Environmental Sustainability

    The art world, with its vibrant creativity and expressive diversity, plays a crucial role in shaping cultural narratives and reflecting societal values. However, as the global community faces pressing environmental challenges, the art industry must actively participate in sustainable practices to minimize its ecological footprint. Lets explore the various avenues through which the art world…

  • Contemporary Art in 2023: A Global Glimpse with Focus on India and Asia

    2023 has been a year of both turbulence and resilience in the contemporary art world. While geopolitical anxieties and economic uncertainties cast shadows, the art scene continued to pulsate with creativity, innovation, and a renewed focus on social and environmental issues. Let’s take a whirlwind tour of the key trends, with a special spotlight on…

  • Nurturing the Growth of Indian Contemporary Art

    India, with its rich cultural heritage and diverse artistic traditions, holds immense potential in the realm of contemporary art. However, the limited number of art fairs and major art events in the country, including the India Art Fair, Art Mumbai, Serendipity Arts Festival and the Kochi Biennale, highlights a gap in the recognition and promotion…

  • Art Mumbai: Event Review

    The recent Art Mumbai inaugural event proved to be a captivating celebration of artistic expression, bringing together a myriad of talents that showcased the city’s vibrant and diverse art scene. It was a visual feast that left a lasting impression. The presence of major Indian galleries at Art Mumbai was a pivotal aspect that underscored…

  • Exploring the Lag in Contemporary Photography in India

    Photography, as an art form, has evolved significantly over the years, capturing moments in time and reflecting the socio-cultural fabric of societies. While countries like Bangladesh and Nepal have made remarkable strides in contemporary photography, India seems to lag behind. This essay delves into the reasons behind India’s comparative stagnation, attributing it to a lack…

  • India Should Call for the Return of Looted Artifacts

    India, with its rich cultural and historical heritage, has been a victim of colonial exploitation and looting by Western powers during various periods of history. The artifacts and treasures that were plundered during the colonial era have become symbols of India’s glorious past. As the world evolves towards recognizing the importance of cultural heritage and…

  • NFTs and Cryptocurrencies in the Art World: A Double-Edged Sword

    In recent months, the art world has been ablaze with excitement and speculation surrounding Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and cryptocurrencies. Stories of artists making millions overnight have become the stuff of legend, creating a fervor that has drawn creators and investors alike into this brave new digital frontier. However, amidst the euphoria, it is essential to…

  • Unity in the Art World: Mitigating Unhealthy Competition among Galleries

    The world of art is a space that should ideally foster collaboration, support, and shared appreciation. However, the current landscape often finds itself marred by unhealthy competition among galleries, leading to a detrimental impact on the industry as a whole. Lets delve into the repercussions of cutthroat competition, exploring the prevalence of jealousy, one-upmanship, artist…