Hoskote Quit: Defending Truth, Not Taking Sides

Ranjit Hoskote quit a big art event because he saw things differently. Not about Israel versus Palestine, but about understanding both. He didn’t want art used to silence critical voices or pick easy sides.

Here’s why his stand matters:

  • Truth over labels: He dared to question assumptions, refusing to be boxed into convenient categories like “anti-Zionist.” He championed critical thinking, not blind acceptance.
  • Art with a backbone: He fought for art’s right to challenge power, even when it makes people uncomfortable. Art, he believed, shouldn’t shy away from complex truths.
  • Wider than art: His stand sparked a debate about silencing dissent and weaponizing accusations. He reminded us that open dialogue, not quick labels, leads to true understanding.

Hoskote’s resignation wasn’t a tantrum, it was a stand for artistic integrity. He showed us that art can be a powerful tool for truth, even when it means walking away from the spotlight.